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Membership Info


Our aim: to honor our Scottish Heritage and to instill in ourselves and in others an interest in Scottish traditions and culture. And to collect and preserve literary, historical and genealogical records relating to the emigration of Hamiltons. To promote the general interests fo the Hamiltons and to cultivate the spirit of kinship and fellowship among all Hamiltons.


Who can be a member?

Anyone bearing the name of Hamilton, or recognized derivation thereof, of 18 years of age or older. or able to prove descent from a Hamilton through the female line.


Annual, Associate, Family Memberships

$20 US


Junior Memberships (<18 yrs)

$6 US


Lifetime Memberships (you, spouse & children <18 living with you; can be divided up to 4 annual installments)

Age 18-40: $350 US

Age 40-49: $300 US

Age 50-59: $250 US

Age 60+:    $200 US

24 hour web access to your account; pay membership online and donate.

Full use of Clan tents, store you bags, meet the piper, refresh yourself with a wee dram or food.

Gather not only at Scottish Games, but Robert Burns and other exclusive Dinners; connect with extended family and continue your story. 

Get the An Darach newsletter either mailed or electronic. With select articles from around the family, it shares hard to gain knowledge. 

Membership Info

Our Aim:

To honor our Scottish Heritage and instill in ourselves and others an interest in Scottish traditions and culture.


To collect and preserve literary, historical and genealogical records relating to the emigration of Hamiltons.


To promote the general interests of the Hamiltons and to cultivate the spirit of kinship and fellowship among all Hamiltons.


Who Can Be A Member?

Anyone bearing the name of Hamilton, or recognized derivation thereof, of 18 years of age or older, or able to prove descent from a Hamilton through the female line. We want to meet you!


Annual, Associate or Family Memberships

$20 US

Junior Memberships (<18 yrs)

$6 US

Lifetime Memberships (you, spouse & children <18 living with you; can be divided up to 4 annual installments)

Age 18-40: $350 US

Age 40-49: $300 US

Age 50-59: $250 US

Age 60+:    $200 US

24-hour access to your Clan Hamilton web account! Pay membership dues online and donate.

Full use of Clan tents!! Store bags, meet the piper, refresh with a wee dram, a biscuit or shortbread, or just get off yer feet and spin a tale!

Gather at Scottish Games, Robert Burns Night and exclusive Dinners; Connect with extended family and find out more about your story. 

Get An Darach, the Clan Hamilton Society newsletter!! Selected articles from around the family, sharing sought after knowledge. Have it snail mailed or emailed.


Donate Today! 

Support The Castle,  Our Pipers & More!

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